Aashika Rajendran


Aashika is a makeup and beauty expert known for creating stunning looks that not only accentuate facial features but also empower women to feel confident in their skin.

Latest By Aashika Rajendran

The Ultimate Healthy Morning Routine

Healthy Morning Routine for Working Women: The Ultimate Guide!

Everybody has a morning habit; we wake up, brush our teeth, grab a coffee, practice…

ByAashika RajendranDec 209 mins read
What do you know about nanoplastia hair treatment

Nanoplastia Hair Treatment: Is It Really Safe?

Nanoplastia Hair Treatment also known as nano straightening has been buzzing in the market more…

ByAashika RajendranDec 157 mins read
Budget-friendly Indian Pharmacy Skincare Products That Will Blow Your Mind!

Budget-friendly Indian Pharmacy Skincare Products That Will Blow Your Mind!

As tempting and exciting as a new skincare launch can look, our skin needs care…

ByAashika RajendranDec 119 mins read
Work Bags For Women

Best Multi-tasking Work Bags For Women To Carry Everything With Ease

A perfect work bag that can completely satisfy a woman should be able to hold…

ByAashika RajendranOct 147 mins read
best eyelash extensions brands 2023

Best Professional Eyelash Extensions Brands – Latest Trends You Need To Know!

Eyelash extensions are like the red cape for our superwomen juggling with their professional and…

ByAashika RajendranOct 1115 mins read
Best Lip Liners

Versatile And Must-Have Lip Liners In Every Women’s Makeup Kit

Lip Liners have recently rediscovered their position from being a hidden gem in every makeup…

ByAashika RajendranSep 278 mins read