Manal Yahya


Manal is a lifestyle influencer who has spent years delving into the world of beauty, fashion, and wellness- a pro when it comes to anything woman.

Latest By Manal Yahya

Hypoallergenic Mascara

Exploring Hypoallergenic Mascaras: Your Solution for Sensitivity

Hypoallergenic mascara designed for sensitive eyes, free of irritating ingredients, and less likely to cause…

ByManal YahyaMar 49 mins read
Ear Piercing Types – Curate Your Ears With These Ear Piercing Style

Ear Piercing Types – Find Your Perfect Style!

It’s the era of piercings—lip piercing, nose piercing, and eyebrow piercings—all with their unique charm.…

ByManal YahyaFeb 2815 mins read
Honeymoon Cystitis

Honeymoon Cystitis: Tips For Prevention And Treatment!

Did you know that nearly every woman will experience honeymoon cystitis at some point in…

ByManal YahyaFeb 2611 mins read
Best Bleach For Dark Hair Without Damag Your Complete Guide

Best Bleach For Dark Hair Without Damage: Safely Lighten Dark Hair

Bleach for dark hair can feel like quite a challenge, even for seasoned hairstylists. But…

ByManal YahyaFeb 2414 mins read
Why Should You Use Silk Wrap Nails When You Break Your Nails

Silk Wrap Nails: Enhance And Strengthen Your Manicure!

Ladies, let’s talk about silk wrap nails and why they’re a game-changer. Have you ever…

ByManal YahyaFeb 2411 mins read
Melatonin while pregnancy

Can You Take Melatonin While Pregnant: What Experts Say?

Melatonin serves more than just a sleep aid for many individuals. However, can you take…

ByManal YahyaJan 309 mins read