
How Long Does Snake Eyes Piercing Take To Heal?

Looking for some key insights and tips for a smooth recovery? Here you go!

Written by Priya Sreekumar

On Dec 29, 2023 – 6 minutes read

Snake Eyes Piercing Healing Stages

The snake eyes piercing is a unique type of horizontal tongue piercing that captivates us with its striking appearance. Nestled at the tip of the tongue, this style diverges from the more common horizontal tongue piercings, vertical tongue piercings, and scoop piercings, and presents a distinctive choice for enthusiasts. It is important to grasp the answer to the question “How long does snake eyes piercing take to heal?” along with the side effects of snake eye piercing if you are considering embracing this trend. You should also understand the side effects and proper aftercare to maintain oral health.

Understanding Snake Eyes Piercing

How Long Does Snake Eyes Piercing Take To Heal

Resembling the eyes of a serpent, snake eyes piercing involves inserting a curved barbell horizontally through the tip of the tongue. This procedure differs significantly from other tongue piercings such as the vertical style or the Ashley piercing, which is located on the lip. The uniqueness of the snake eye piercing lies in its placement and visibility- this makes it a bold statement in the world of oral piercings.

Snake Eye Piercing: Healing Process

The journey to complete healing of a snake eye piercing is nuanced and varies from person to person. This is why the answer to a most-asked question like “How long does snake eyes piercing take to heal?” is not one word. Key factors influencing this process include the individual’s overall health, oral hygiene, and adherence to aftercare instructions(1). Proper care and attention during the healing phase are crucial to avoid complications and ensure a smooth recovery.

Snake Eyes Piercing Pros and Cons

It is important to provide a comprehensive view when discussing snake eye piercing pros and cons.  So, let’s talk about it in detail.

  • Distinctive and Bold Aesthetic: The snake eye piercing is particularly noticeable because it is located on the tongue and gives a unique appearance similar to the eyes of a snake. This makes it a standout choice among body modifications.
  • Personal Expression and Individuality: Body art is a form of self-expression for many of us. This type of piercing allows individuals to express their unique style and personality, marking them as distinct from others.
  • Conversation Starter and Symbol of Confidence: The snake eye piercing can be a point of interest in social settings due to its unusual and striking look. This sparks conversations and possibly reflects the wearer’s confidence and daring nature.
  • Increased Risk of Dental Damage: The piercing’s location at the tip of the tongue puts it in constant contact with teeth, and it leads to potential dental issues such as chipped teeth or gum erosion. The metal jewelry can rub against these surfaces and cause wear over time.
  • Potential for Speech Impediments: The piercing on the tongue can interfere with speech, especially during the initial healing process. This may result in temporary lisping or difficulty with articulation.
  • Higher Risk of Infection: The mouth is a bacteria-rich environment and the piercing’s placement makes it susceptible to infections. Proper hygiene and care are critical to avoid complications such as swelling, pain, or more severe infections that might require medical intervention.

It is also worth noting that the healing time for snake eye piercings can be lengthy and uncomfortable due to the movement and function of the tongue. Prospective individuals should also consider the long-term commitment to aftercare to maintain the piercing’s health and appearance. It is always recommended to consult a professional piercer who can provide personalized advice and ensure the procedure is performed safely and hygienically.

Healing Time For Snake Eyes Piercing

“How long does snake eyes piercing take to heal?” This is a question that can’t be avoided. On average, the snake eye piercing takes about 4 to 6 weeks to heal. However, this is a general estimate and individual experiences may vary. Factors such as the body’s natural healing ability, the quality of aftercare, and lifestyle choices like diet and smoking can affect the healing duration.

How To Clean Snake Eyes Piercing?

Maintaining cleanliness is critical for healing.

Rinse your mouth with a saline solution or non-alcoholic mouthwash after every meal and before bed(2).

Avoid using harsh chemicals or alcohol-based products that can irritate the piercing site.

Gently clean the area with a clean, damp cloth or gauze, avoiding excessive jewelry movement.

How To Clean Snake Eyes Piercing

Tips For Faster Healing

To ensure a swift and trouble-free healing process, you need to do these.

Steer clear of spicy, hot, or acidic foods that aggravate the piercing.

Refrain from playing with the piercing to prevent irritation and potential displacement.

Practice excellent oral hygiene including regular brushing and flossing, to keep the mouth clean and reduce the risk of infection.

Snake Eyes Piercing Aftercare

Snake Eyes Piercing Aftercare

Aftercare is a critical component in the healing journey of a snake eye piercing. This includes:

Regular cleaning as advised by your piercing professional.

Monitoring the piercing for any signs of infection or unusual changes.

Consulting with a piercing expert or healthcare provider at any sign of complications.

Snake Eyes Tongue Piercing: Signs of Infection or Problems

Be alert for snake eye piercing risks such as excessive swelling, persistent pain, unusual discharge, or foul odor. These could indicate an infection or other complications. Prompt attention from a professional is essential in such cases.

Why Is The Snake Eyes Piercing A Bad Idea?

While not necessarily a bad idea for everyone, snake eye piercing does come with its set of risks, such as potential nerve damage, speech difficulties, and oral health concerns. It is important for anyone considering this piercing to be fully aware of these risks and to consult with experienced professionals.

Can We Take Out The Piercing When It Starts To Cause Issues?

Removal of the piercing is advisable if the piercing causes significant discomfort or health issues. However, it is important to seek professional help for safe removal to prevent further complications.


1. Can snake eyes piercing paralyze you?

While a snake eye piercing cannot cause paralysis, improper technique or aftercare can lead to nerve damage or other serious complications.

2. How long does it take for a snake eye piercing to stop hurting?

Typically, the initial discomfort and pain should subside within the first week after piercing, but this can vary.

3. Why does my snake eyes piercing hurt when I wake up?

Morning discomfort can be due to overnight swelling or pressure from sleeping positions- it is common in new piercings.

Wrapping Up

Understanding the answer to the question “How long does snake eyes piercing take to heal?” along with the healing process, pros and cons, and proper aftercare for a snake eye piercing is vital for anyone considering this unique form of body modification. While the piercing offers an intriguing aesthetic, it is crucial to consider the potential risks and manage them effectively for a safe and satisfying piercing experience. Just remember this much- informed decisions and diligent aftercare are key to enjoying your piercing while maintaining good oral health. Have a happy piercing experience!

  1. SOS.Vermont. (n.d). Body Piercing Aftercare Guidelines. [Online] Available at:

  2. Torbay. (n.d). Oral piercing aftercare. [Online] Available at:


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Priya Sreekumar

Priya is a go-to expert who is always up to date in the latest trends in fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. She has been a trusted voice for readers looking for lifestyle advice.

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