Intimate Care

Pimple On Labia: Is It Something To Be Worried About? 

A small pimple on your labia can reflect a lot about your health. So, do not ignore it. Act on time to prevent any major reproductive system-related problems.

Written by Ravina K

On Mar 27, 2023 – 12 minutes read

pimple on labia is it something to be worried ?

Vaginal issues can affect your sexual health, fertility, and self-confidence. This makes it crucial to take extra care of your vaginal health to ensure your overall well-being. It only takes minimum effort to keep your vagina clean and dry, however, in some cases even when you are cautious about it, you may develop pimples”s on the labia (the visible part of the vagina- the lips on the outside of the genitals), which could make you wonder if it is a sign of some serious health concern. pimple on the labia could be a sign of bacteria or any other infection.

What Causes Pimple On Labia? 

As we all know, the vagina is the strongest part of the body (it can handle childbirth) and also the most sensitive one. This makes the delicate skin (inside and outside) of the private part, with thousands of nerve endings, more prone to breakouts and rashes. They can be caused due to several reasons like tight undergarments, clogging of pores, or due to underlying health conditions. Depending on the cause, the pimple that appears on the labia can be serious or non-serious. 

what causes Pimple On Labia?

If you are aware of what causes pimples on the labia, you will be able to seek the right treatment at the right time and avoid any major health problems. In this article, we will address several questions related to pimples on labia including their symptoms, causes, and treatment to ensure that you are well-informed about the issue. 

There is no one specific reason for pimples on the labia. It is broadly influenced by three main factors: contact dermatitis, folliculitis, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).

Contact Dermatitis

It is a reaction in the labia to some materials or substances. The most common things that can cause contact dermatitis are: 

  • Condoms or lubricant
  • Douches
  • Vaginal wipes
  • Detergent 
  • Soaps or bath products
  • Sanitary pads or tampons 
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Over-the-counter topical creams

Folliculitis That Cause Pimple On Labia

Folliculitis is a skin condition in which hair follicles are inflamed or infected. Caused by infection with bacteria, the inflammation may at first look like small pimples with ingrown hair. It can be caused due to: 

  • Ingrown hairs
  • Shaving
  • Wearing tight-fitting clothes
  • Using an unclean bathtub or swimming pool 
What Causes Pimple On The Labia?

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

These types of infections are caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites and are transmitted from one individual to the other through sexual contact. Some STDs that can give your pimples in the labia are: 

  • Genital herpes
  • Genital warts
  • Skin tag

Some Uncommon Reasons That Can Lead To Pimple On Labia

Apart from these three main causes, some uncommon reasons that can lead to the above conditions are: 

Bartholin Cysts

It is a condition in which the Bartholin’s glands, which lubricate the vagina and are present on either side of the vaginal opening, are filled with fluid. The result is an inflamed and painful pimple. Bartholin cysts can be caused by E. Coli or other bacteria. It is rarely serious but can be painful. 

Hidradenitis Suppurativa

This is a type of skin disease that affects places where the skin rubs together like the armpits, groin, buttocks, and breasts. Constant friction can lead to the formation of painful lumps under the skin. This type of skin disorder may return even after the treatment and may leave a scar. 

Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is a common skin infection caused by a poxvirus called molluscum contagiosum virus. If infected with this kind of virus, you may develop round, firm, painless bumps ranging in different sizes in any part of the body. The virus can affect any part of the body including the genital area. If scratched the infection can spread to the nearby skin and may take months to clear up. 

Risk Factors 

While anyone can develop pimples in the private part of the body, some people are at higher risk due to different factors: 

  • Family history
  • Intake of certain medication
  • Age
  • Stress
  • Diet
  • Environmental pollution
  • Scrubbing or itching skin too hard

Symptoms Of Pimple On Labia

vaginal boil or pimple on the labia mostly looks similar to facial or torso acne. The appearance may vary a bit from condition to condition. It can appear like blackheads, papules, pimples, or whiteheads. In addition, other symptoms of pimples on the labia include: 

  • Pain in labia or lesioning 
  • Pain during sexual penetration 
  • Itchy or painful bums 
  • Redness
  • Sore nodules
  • Inflammation in the surrounding area
  • White at the tip full of pus

How Pimple On Labia Is Diagnosed?

An itchy pimple on the labia can be a severe issue or normal, but it can only be found with the proper diagnosis. So, when you witness a pimple on the labia minora or majora that does not go away on its own within a few days contact your doctor. 

Your gynecologist will examine the pimple that has popped up on your private part using the same process generally used to diagnose other skin disorders. This involves three major steps:


First of all, your healthcare provider will quickly examine the pimple to gain knowledge about its shape, size, and color. The appearance will help them to narrow down the cause of the condition. Through examination, you’ll get to know the exact cause of pimples on the labia.

How Pimple On The Labia Is Diagnosed .


The next step is gaining information about the history like the medications you take, your hygiene habits, sexual habits, and others. History is the best way to know the cause of pimples on labia.

Diagnostic Tests

If the doctor is not able to reach a conclusion based on the physical examination and history that you have provided, he/she can ask you to undergo some tests to understand the cause of the condition and suggest treatment accordingly.

Some common tests prescribed by doctors to determine the real cause of pimples on labia are: 

Patch Test

Patch tests are usually done to confirm the allergic reaction on the skin. The test for the cause of pimples on the labia is done similarly as it is done in other parts of the body. In this allergens are applied to patches and placed on the skin. It is used to determine the exact reason for the allergic reaction. 

Blood Test

For the blood test, the pathologist may take the sample for any part of the body and test for pathogens that can affect your vaginal health. It is mostly performed in cases of STIs. Through a blood test, the real cause of pimples on the labia can be identified. 

Urine Test

A urine test is another common test that may be prescribed by the doctor to confirm the case of the pimple on the labia.

Swab Test

A sample of the swab from your vaginal fluid can also confirm the presence of pathogens that may lead to pimples or rashes in your private part. 

The Treatment Prescribed By A Doctor

Once the cause of the pimple on the labia is determined, next comes the treatment procedure. Based on the detailed examination carried out by your healthcare provider, you can be prescribed some topical cream to apply to the vaginal pimple or some pills if it is caused due to allergies. 

If the reason is the lifestyle habits that you follow, you may also be asked to avoid things causing the irritation like shaving, douching, harsh detergents, lubricants, tight clothes, and others. 

Early diagnosis of pimples on labia can help to timely treat the condition and avoid any major complications later. For normal pimples, the treatment will last for a few days, but for severe conditions related to the vagina like STDs and others, the condition may take weeks to fade away. At this time, make sure you take the medications properly and visit the doctor on time. 

Home Remedies To Treat Pimple On Labia At Home 

vaginal bumps (1) can be caused due to oil clogging or any other reason but can clear up on their own after a few days. Once you spot a pimple on your private part start taking care of it at home for faster recovery. 

Determine What led To Pimple On Labia

The treatment process starts with determining the cause of the occurrence of the pimple. Take note of all the things you have used or done in the past few days that can have an adverse effect on your vaginal health and can lead to a pimple. Activities like using new vaginal products, shaving, using a hot bath or swimming session, detergents that you used to clean your undergarment, and others. 

Replacing The Cause Of Irritants

Once you are aware of the cause of the irritants, next comes removing all the products and stopping engaging in the activities that have caused it. once you realize the real cause of the pimple on your labia is due to vaginal wipes that you have got recently, stop using them for a few days to see if your pimple is getting any better. Or if it is caused after you went swimming, then avoid it for a few days. 

Replacing The Cause Of Irritants.

Maintain Good Hygiene

You can clean your private parts with warm water from time to time and pat them dry with a clean towel or tissue to expedite the healing process. Heat therapy will help to kill bacterial overgrowth. Apart from this, do not apply anything to your labia as the part of the body is quite sensitive. Even perfumed soap, vaginal cleaning products, or over-the-counter topical cream can clog the pores and make your pimples worse and may cause more pimples on the labia.

During menstruation, regular people pay extra attention and leave the same tampons or pads on for too long. Extra moisture in the genital area is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and fungal growth. So, keep it clean, dry and wear loose cotton underwear. 

What Not To Do When Having A Pimple On Labia

When you have developed a pimple on the labia try not to pop it. Understandably it would be painful and irritating, but still, avoid touching or scratching it again and again or popping it. These things will not help you recover faster, in fact, they can spread bacteria to the nearby area and lead to infection. 

In some cases, the pimple can turn into a boil filled with pus that may hurt badly and will continue to bother you for a few more days. If it pops on its own, clean it with cotton and warm water to remove all the pus. 

Tips For Prevention

Big or small, itchy or non-itchy, it is essential to treat all kinds of pimples that show up in the private parts. If it is occurring too frequently, try to avoid things that are causing it by: 

Maintaining Good Hygiene To Prevent Pimple On Labia

Maintaining good hygiene of the private parts plays a vital role in keeping them healthy. This not only includes cleaning them regularly but also avoiding anything that can irritate the skin and cause inflammation. A few things you need to take care of are: 

  • Avoid tight undergarments 
  • Use mild detergents to wash your undergarments
  • Wearing cotton and loose-fitting undergarments
  • Do not douche
  • Avoid over-the-counter cream
  • Change out of sweaty clothes after a workout
  • Trim your pubic hair instead of shaving

Practicing Safe Sex

The second most common reason to get pimples on labia is unsafe sex. Getting intimate without using protection can increase your risk of developing a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), which if left untreated can turn into a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). So, ensure that you: 

  • Use condoms 
  • Wash after sex
Tips for prevention.

Getting Regular Medical Checkups

Sometimes even when you are conscious about your hygiene level and practice safe sex, you may develop reproductive system-related problems. To ensure that it does not turn into something severe, seek medical check-ups from time to time. 

Pimple On Labia: When To See A Doctor

As suggested earlier, in some cases the pimple on the labia minora can be due to lifestyle habits and go away on their own after a few days. But in the initial stage, it can be difficult to determine the reasons for your vaginal issue. If you have witnessed a pimple on your vaginal for the first time, wait for a few days before visiting a doctor. 

Seeking medical health is more prominent when pimples in the area are persistent and you are not sure of the cause. Even if you know the cause and it is getting worse, do not delay the treatment process. The three main things to look for are:

  • Genital pimples that occur regularly
  • Painful or large pimple
  • If they do not look 

Your pimples can be a sign of serious genital problems if it is accompanied by some other signs like: 

  • An unusual discharge 
  • Pain when urinating 
  • Rashes 
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Itchy genitals(2)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why do I have a painful pimple on my labia?

A painful pimple on the labia can be due to several reasons. The most common one has clogged pores due to dirt, oil, bacteria, and other substances. This can happen when you shave the pubic hair, apply any topical cream or your skin produces excess oil. 

How long does a labia pimple last?

Pimples in the labia normally go away on their own within a week on their own with some simple homecare methods like cleaning your private areas with warm water and wearing clean clothes. If they do not clear up, contact your doctor as they can be a sign of some other chronic vaginal issues. 

Should I be worried about a lump on my labia?

A lump on either side of the labia can be due to bacterial infection underneath the skin. In some cases, it may also develop due to ingrown hair, waxing, or shaving or due to some sexually transmitted disease. In any case, it is not something to be ignored. Immediate medical attention is required in case you witness any lump. 


Any pimple on the labia can be a sign of severe health problems and should not be taken lightly. Pay attention if it develops after using any particular product and avoid it if you can. In addition, if your pimple does not get better in a few days, do not delay doctors’ appointments. Any delay in getting the right treatment can turn things worse. Also, complete a course of medication to recover properly. 

Our reproductive system is very sensitive and delicate. Even the simplest problem can affect your overall health, affect your chances of getting pregnant or lead to complications when giving birth. So, do not take any risks when it comes to your reproductive health. Keep it clean and dry, wear loose and breathable clothes, and avoid using any harsh chemicals like detergents, or scented soap to clean the area. Maintaining your vaginal hygiene becomes even more vital when you are menstruating. During this time change your pads or tampons or clean your menstrual cups after every 4 hours. Wear dry underwear and clean the vagina with warm water to keep it happy and healthy. 

  1. LearnHealth Inc.(2023). vaginal-bumps-7-conditions-those-bumps-could-be. [Online] Available at
  2. John Wiley & Sons.(1999-2023).Female genital schistosomiasis –genital itch and vaginal discharge

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Hi there, I am Ravina! I am a storyteller, who loves to write about lifestyle, politics, and social issues. Writing for me is like meditating as it helps me connect with my inner self and everything around me. It is a medium to express my thoughts and feelings. When not writing, I can be found reading, painting or admiring the beauty of nature.

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