
‘Diaper Spa’ Is Leading To Major Disputes In Southern NH

A new Spa has been taking the internet by storm as not everyone understands the logic behind the new business strategy introduced by sexologist Murphy.

Written by Ayisha Nashva

On Jan 31, 2024 – 3 minutes read

Controversy surrounds 'Diaper Spa

The nursery-like business called ‘Diaper Spa’ has left hundreds of adults baffled. The owner of the business Dr. Colleen Ann Murphy attributes the controversy to people’s fear of anything they don’t understand.

The residents of Atkinson are raising questions about the newly started business in New Hampshire that is all about adults who role-play as children by wearing diapers like them.

Diaper Spa Debate Brewing

Controversial Diaper Spa debate unfolds

As per the website, the Spa will be open for every individual who is wearing a diaper and is looking for “acceptance, respect, and care.” The page also contains a series of photos that ignited more controversy. In one of the photos displayed, a decorated nursery is featured that is filled with every soft comfort that a person would ever dream of, including different kinds of toys, folded diapers, and a large crib.

The website also states that it is the only “physician-owned Diaper Spa in the world” that provides services such as AB/DL (Adult Baby/Diaper lover) spa care and therapeutic support. Also, from the website, it can be understood that all clients are required to wear a diaper while entering the space that is embellished with a range of things to look like a baby’s nursery. 

According to Murphy, the Diaper Spa offers a plethora of services including virtual playdates that come for $200 an hour, as well as an all-day “Diaper B&B experience for $1,500. The latter package will ensure that you receive all the “rejuvenating pampering” that the little one inside you deserves.

She further added that pampering is not only meant for children, but some adults also want people around them to cater to their every whim. She added that their services are non-sexual and are catered to adults who are seeking to regress and heal. She continued emphasizing that the childhood trauma while wearing diapers or getting out of it needs to be processed. This method of therapy will let clients feel the safety that they missed before.

 Although the team has better plans for the future of the Diaper Spa, Murphy said that for now, they are focusing mainly on “telehealth services and life coaching.” Last December, the team successfully organized a Christmas-themed event featuring a festive story, and baked sugar cookies for everyone. On top of that, they also prepared stockings to take home. Murphy disclosed all these details in a recent email interview that was conducted to gather more information about the trending Diaper Spa business that has been taking the internet by storm. 

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Not all area residents support the new business that has opened in the neighborhood. Moreover, some of them have even signed the petition to voice their objection to the presence of Diaper Spas in their community. 

As per the petition written by Kayla Gallagher, a fellow resident, on behalf of the residents and patrons of the community, they are compelled to raise their collective voice against the business that has lately begun to operate in their community. With the petition, they are trying to seek a firm and continued rejection of Diaper Spa, which according to them poses a threat to the well-being of the members of the community, especially children.

  1. Diaperspa (n.d) Website [Online] Available At:
  2. Wikipedia (n.d) Paraphilic_infantilism [Online] Available At:

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Ayisha Nashva is a dedicated and passionate writer known for her ability to craft entertaining and engaging content. With a love for storytelling, Ayisha weaves narratives that captivate her audience and her creativity and commitment are remarkable when it comes to providing enjoyable and memorable literary experiences.

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