Skin Care

Mastering The Art Of Nose Thread Lift: Benefits, Risks, And Expert Insights!

Achieve a refined, straighter, contoured nasal shape with a nose thread lift.

Written by Venu Agrawal

On Oct 26, 2023 – 9 minutes read

Nose Thread Lift

Do you hope to improve the look of a deviated nose bridge or a “bump” on the nose? A thread lift is a non-invasive cosmetic technique used to rejuvenate the face or neck by lifting lax skin and encouraging the body to produce more collagen. So, if you’re self-conscious about your nasal look, a nose thread lift (also called HIKO nose lift)can be just what your doctor needs to do.

Various thread lifts, including the fox eye thread lift, PDO thread lift, and nose thread lift, have gained popularity as non-surgical treatment methods for achieving a more youthful and lifted appearance. This article will delve deeper into this anti-aging solution, which is used to alter, reshape, and contour your nose, and examine its processes, side effects, cost, and guarantee of a more refined and straightened shape.

What Is A Nose Thread Lift?

What Is a Nose Thread Lift

The non-invasive or surgical Nose Thread lift or lunchtime nose job aims to contour and lift the nose. This procedure offers a non-surgical alternative to traditional rhinoplasty or nose surgery, allowing individuals to enhance the aesthetics of their nose without the need for invasive procedures. The process uses dissolvable fine threads from a complex sugar, such as poly-L-lactic or poly-caprolactone. These absorbable threads can reshape your nose and help it look straight.

With that, we can dig into the actual procedure undertaken while doing a lunchtime nose job.

Procedures And Working

It is essential to acknowledge that any surgical or invasive procedures entail inherent dangers, and individuals must consult with a skilled healthcare professional for expert advice. 

Procedures And Working

Nevertheless, the procedure known as HIKO nose lift is a reasonably straightforward treatment that often requires less than one hour to complete. The procedure for administering this therapy is as follows:

  1. Before inserting the suture, the nose is sterilized, and a topical anesthetic is used to numb the area, ensuring little discomfort.
  2. A single entry point is established at the apex of the nasal region to introduce the threads along the nasal bridge.
  3. The surgical practitioner will strategically position specialized surgical sutures, referred to as PDO threads or MINT Tip Thread, in a horizontal manner along the nasal bridge to enhance its height and the septum to improve the projection of the nose. Additionally, vertical placement of these sutures will be conducted to address the nasal tip. (It should be noted that the specific number of threads necessary may vary among individuals and is contingent upon factors such as desired outcomes and the existing structure of the nose.)
  4. After applying the suture, the physician manually manipulates the skin, employing gentle molding techniques to restructure it and achieve the intended lifting outcome.

As a response to the threads, your body initiates the production of fibroblasts, which are responsible for generating collagen at the treatment site. With time, this collagen contributes to volumizing and tightening the region surrounding the threads, ensuring the longevity of the new shape achieved through the nose thread lift.

The sutures employed in a nose lift procedure have the potential to endure for multiple years. They can be theoretically manipulated to achieve a more refined and straighter aesthetic outcome. Nevertheless, it is important to consider the following points beforehand.

Things To Know Before Nose Thread Lift

Prior to embarking on this procedure, it is imperative to fully grasp and know the following aspects:

  • The plastic surgeon uses a slender needle, commonly referred to as a cannula, to introduce diverse threads beneath the dermal layer.
  • The nose lift procedure offers enhanced convenience and cost-effectiveness in comparison to the conventional rhinoplasty technique.
  • The HIKO nose lift procedure does not offer a permanent solution and does not alter the underlying cartilage structure of the nose.
  • In the event of dissatisfaction with the aesthetic or tactile outcome of the treatment, it is advisable to exercise patience as the nose threads will undergo a natural dissolution process that typically spans a period of six to eight months.
  • The procedure yields instantaneously observable outcomes while lacking any recuperation or inactivity period.
  • It does not significantly improve addressing respiratory concerns, nor does it result in the widening of nasal passageways.

However, to make an effective decision on taking a nose lift, you must understand what it does and its results.

What Can Nose Thread Lift Do For You?

You can improve or correct the following with a nose lift:

What Can Nose Thread Lift Do For You?
  1. The nose’s shape (Nose Ridge Refining): If you have a hump or a crooked nose, a thread lift can reshape the tissue in your nose to improve its appearance.
  2. The angle of the nose (Nose Slimming): A nasal thread lift can make your nose appear smaller without actually changing its size by elevating the bridge.
  3. The nose tip lift: People typically request a nasal thread lift so that their nose seems longer and younger. This can correct a nose that points in the wrong direction.
  4. The bridge of the nose (Lift Nose Bridge): Raising the bridge of your nose will improve its aesthetic appeal. The answer is a thread lift.

That’s it; you can now see that the technique can be used to address various cosmetic issues. Now let’s find out more about its cost.

Nose Thread Lift Cost

It’s hard to give flat rates because costs change from customer to customer depending on things like how many threads are needed for each treatment. So, you should let your medic know what you need.

Apart from cost, recovery, and aftercare after nose thread lifts should be a significant concern when deciding to take the treatment.

Recovery And Aftercare

A nose thread lift is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that requires minimal downtime and allows patients to return home soon after treatment. Some localized swelling and bruising are to be expected, but this should go away in 2–7 days. How to take care of your nose after a thread lift:

Nose Thread Lift Recovery And Aftercare
  1. Don’t touch your nose or the region around it.
  2. If there is swelling, use an ice pack or cold compress.
  3. Don’t wash your face for at least a day.
  4. For a few days, go without cosmetics.
  5. For a few weeks, refrain from applying facial moisturizer.
  6. Try sleeping with your head propped up.
  7. Antibiotics should be used to prevent infections.
  8. In order to allow your skin to heal correctly, you should abstain from alcohol and smoking for at least seven days.

Side Effects Of Nose Thread Lift

Even though this procedure doesn’t require incisions, it’s important to remember that there are always risks associated with any cosmetic operation(1). You may feel some stinging as the anesthetic takes effect, but this should go away, and you shouldn’t have any pain once the procedure is over. However, tenderness, swelling, and bruising are all to be expected but often resolve within a couple of days after the operation.

You will also feel some soreness around the regions treated and may experience some slight stiffness. However, if you see any of the following symptoms of infection, such as fever, persistent pain in the head, and swelling for more than two days, visit a doctor.

That is it; you can see that the nasal thread lift is effective and safe. Now, let us look at nose thread lifts before and after the treatment.

Nose Thread Lift Before And After

Nose Thread Lift Before And After

Do you feel self-conscious about your nose because it has sagged or developed a bump? Don’t worry; I will now explain what will occur before and after your nose lift procedure. Your surgeon will go through the specifics of your nose lift with you before the treatment. General anesthesia is not necessary for a thread lift. Local anesthetic is used by plastic surgeons so that you can remain awake throughout the surgery without experiencing any discomfort. Your plastic surgeon will introduce several threads under your skin using a small needle (called a cannula) during the nose thread lift operation with a flawless appearance.

But does a nose lift have limitations? Let’s find out below.

Nose Thread Lift Limitations

A thread lift takes very little time, and minimal risk is involved. However, the effects are mild and short-lived. Therefore, the benefits of a thread lift are context-dependent. As a temporary fix, a nose thread lift cannot alter the underlying cartilage structure of your nose. 

Since nose threads do not enlarge the nasal airways, they will not aid with breathing problems. Talking to your doctor about your reasons for wanting therapy is an excellent first step in determining the most effective course of action. Finally, threads will not give you the results you seek if you want to alter the size of your nose dramatically.

Are you interested in maintaining that elegant nose look? Then, you must know when to undertake the HIKO nose lift.

How Often Should You Get Nose Thread Lift 

Nose lift threads are bidirectional barbed threads that can fix a crooked nose without resorting to invasive surgery. With high-quality thread that promotes collagen growth (termed “Type I Collagen”) in the region, the results can be expected to last for up to two years following the treatment. Even after two years, many people with a nose thread lift report feeling and looking better. Thus, a second nose lift can be performed after the threads are dissolved.

However, have you heard about nose filler? Let us differentiate it from a nose lift to avoid confusion as you decide.

Which Is One Better, Between Nose Thread Lift Or Nose Filler

 Nose Lift vs Nose Filler

If you’re looking to add shape and size to your nose, fillers are your best bet, while a nasal thread lift is perfect for people who want to improve their nose’s appearance without changing its shape. It’s important to remember that you can combine fillers and a nasal thread lift for even better results, so it all boils down to personal preference.


1. How long does the Nose Thread Lift last?

If high-quality threads were used in the procedure, the alignment could last for up to two years before needing to be redone.

2. Are Nose Thread Lift safe?

Indeed, yes. The nose lift treatment is characterized by minimal risk, making it a viable choice for individuals who may even have pre-existing illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease.

3. How painful is Nose Thread Lift?

The nose is sterilized during the treatment, and a topical anesthetic is injected to numb the area. Only a little discomfort is experienced after, but it can be managed with painkillers.

4. Can Nose Thread break?

Nose threads have the potential to fracture, leading to the possibility of infection and inflammation in the specific region where the thread has ruptured. Nevertheless, the matter can always be resolved by a skilled surgeon.

5. How many times can I do a Nose Thread Lift?

The nasal thread lift procedure can be repeated once the prior sutures have completely dissolved. Nevertheless, many users undergo periodic nose lifts, typically occurring once or twice annually, which is a safe practice.


Are you uncomfortable with your nose structure but want to avoid surgery? The nose thread lift procedure is a contemporary and productive method for achieving the desired aesthetic appearance. The nasal thread lift procedure only takes an hour, hurts less, and doesn’t require any recovery time. You can immediately observe the before and after results of a nose thread lift, so you will be able to judge its effectiveness. 

  1. Betterhealth. (2021). Cosmetic procedures. [Online] Available at:

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Venu agarwal

Venu is a Women’s Health & Lifestyle Specialist who has worked with women from all walks of life, offering women the most current and evidence-based guidance.

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