Skin Care

From Saggy To Supple: A Complete Guide To PDO Thread Lift!

For firmer, smoother, and youthful-looking skin!

Written by Priyanka Sonkushre

On Aug 14, 2023 – 11 minutes read

PDO threaad lift

Hello ladies! Today, let’s talk about one of the most dreaded concerns of middle-aged women – skin laxity and sagging. Let’s admit it. We wouldn’t mind turning older if we didn’t have these issues. As we age, our skin goes through many changes, leading to fine lines, wrinkles, and loose skin. For some, these changes appear ahead of time. Health issues, genetics, sun exposure, and lifestyle have a role to play here.

Although cosmetic surgeries can address these issues, not every woman would like to go under the knife for a facelift. Now, catch what I’m saying. What if I told you there’s a gentler and non-disruptive procedure that can rejuvenate your skin and bring back your youthful appearance? Yes! That’s true. Say hello to PDO thread lift!

What Is A PDO Thread Lift Exactly?

A thread lift is a simple procedure performed by a licensed provider for instant skin tightening. They use dissolvable sutures or threads to treat areas with sagging skin and provide an instant lift. While providers use a variety of sutures for thread lifts, it is called a PDO thread lift when the sutures used are made of Polydioxanone (PDO).

What Is A PDO Thread Lift Exactly?

The thought of having sutures under your skin may appear a bit intimidating, but there’s no need to worry, especially if you’re concerned about safety. PDO threads are FDA-approved and have been used for many years by surgeons and gynecologists for medical procedures. But lately, their use for cosmetic purposes has taken the world by storm.

Some benefits of this procedure include:

  • Needs less than an hour
  • Immediate results that get better over time
  • Minimal recovery period and low risk
  • Long-lasting improvements
  • Customizable depending on skin type and concerns

The fact that the procedure is less invasive and less expensive than a facelift surgery and can be completed in less than an hour makes it a great alternative to other cosmetic procedures. After all, who wouldn’t prefer a procedure that they could get done even during a lunch break and get back to work straight after?

How Do PDO Threads Stand Out?

As I pointed out earlier, practitioners use different types of sutures to get the results they want from the procedure. The three most commonly used sutures are made of polycaprolactone (PCA), polylactic acid (PLA), and polydioxanone (PDO).

What makes PDO threads stand out is that they have been tried and tested for years. Doctors have been using them for procedures since the 1980s. So, one can be sure of the safety aspect. Secondly, practitioners use threads based on the outcomes their clients are looking for. Your provider will use PDO threads if there’s a need to reposition and revitalize tissue underneath the facial skin to assist in facial rejuvenation. But if you need a moderate facial lift with enhanced elasticity and texture, they will pick PLA or PCA threads to deliver the desired outcome.

Types Of PDO Threads Used In Cosmetic Procedures

PDO threads are available in three types, each serving a different purpose. Let me give you a short overview of each of these types to empower you with the right knowledge. The three types of PDO threads are:

Types Of PDO Threads Used In Cosmetic Procedures

Mono Threads: 

Also known as “smooth threads,” these are often used to impart skin-tightening with little to no skin lifting. These are generally used in areas around the neck, under the eyes, and on the forehead. A mesh-like structure is built in the treatment areas using these threads, which promote collage production and ultimately lead to skin tightening.

Cog Threads: 

For concerns like jawline skin sagging, cog threads or barbed threads are the first choice. As the name suggests, these bioabsorbable sutures have intermittent barbs throughout the thread. These pointy structures hook onto the underneath of the facial skin and help lift the tissues to bring about the desired facial lift. Cog threads are used along with mono threads to help with skin tightening and moderate facelifts.

Screw Threads: 

If your face has areas requiring volume restoration, your provider will most likely use screw or twist threads in those areas. These threads are wrapped around the inserting needle to create that voluminous effect under the skin. Screw threads are effective in improving the appearance of lip margins and nasolabial folds.

Which Facial Zones Can Benefit From PDO Thread Lifts?

Aging has a different effect on every individual. For some, fine lines may be more prominent on the forehead, whereas others may notice sagging around the jaw and neck. This may make you wonder if the PDO thread lift will work for your specific area of concern or not. Well, the good news is that thread lift procedures with PDO sutures can enhance collagen production and improve the appearance of the skin on almost all areas of the face and neck. Hence, you will find providers performing PDO thread lifts on areas like:

  • Under eyes
  • Forehead
  • Eyebrows
  • Jawline
  • Jowls
  • Cheeks
  • Crow’s feet
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Marionette lines

How Long Can You Enjoy The Benefits Of A PDO Thread Lift?

As soon as the procedure is over, you can observe a visible and impressive change in your appearance, like instant skin tightening and contouring effects. The effects get more prominent in the next few weeks as the threads trigger the production of collagen and elastin in your body. The threads take around six months to get completely absorbed in the body, but the effects last longer than that. 

Generally, you can expect the effects of PDO thread lift to last anywhere between one and three years. You may go for another round of treatment if you are happy with the results.

One thing to note here is that how soon the final effects of thread lift will be seen and how long the effects will last depend on a number of factors like your age, lifestyle, metabolism, and more. Ideally, most people can see the final result after around two months of the procedure and continue to enjoy plump skin until the effects start to slow down.

What’s The Procedure For A PDO Thread Lift?

As PDO thread lift is a non-surgical procedure, it is quite simple to perform and does not require any downtime. If you say ‘yes’ to the treatment, your certified practitioner will give you a set of pre-treatment instructions, such as:

🚫No smoking and alcohol consumption for one week before your treatment.

🚫Stop using products containing retinol.

🚫Avoid consuming supplements like vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids.

🚫Avoid medications like aspirin and ibuprofen.

In addition, your practitioner may give you other instructions depending on your health and situation, if necessary.

On The Treatment Day:

  • You will be asked to take a seat in a reclining chair.
  • Your practitioner will clean your face with alcohol to disinfect your facial skin.
  • They will apply a numbing agent, such as a local anesthetic, to the areas that need treatment. You won’t need general anesthesia for thread lift procedures.
  • After waiting for 10–15 minutes for anesthesia to kick in, they will mark treatment areas with a temporary marker to assist in thread placement.
  • Now is the time for threading. After making a small incision, a thin cannula (1) containing the thread is inserted under the skin in the marked areas. As the cannula is pulled out, the thread remains in the tissue and is anchored appropriately so that it remains in place.  
  • When the procedure is complete, your surgeon will ascertain if everything’s okay, and you will be free to go! All of this will hardly require 30–60 minutes. So, you see how, in a short matter of time, you can say ‘goodbye’ to older-looking skin and say ‘hi’ to a natural and youthful look!

How Can You Handle Recovery And Aftercare Following A PDO Thread Lift?

Most of us don’t really have spare time to rest and recover after a procedure. Family and work are always demanding. So it’s hard to find time for ourselves when we can sit back, relax, and heal ourselves before getting back into action. That’s why most of us avoid getting aesthetic treatments because we don’t have a lot of time to spare.

However, in the case of PDO threat lift, recovery time is minimal, and you will need to follow major restrictions for merely 24–72 hours. You can expect some facial swelling and bruising, which normally gets better in a week’s time. It is not significant enough to stop you from following your normal routine. So, you won’t have to miss work or your child’s performance at school just because you had a thread lift.

Your provider will tell you what you must and mustn’t do after the procedure. He will guide you on how you can use ice or a cold compress to minimize facial swelling and offer other post-treatment aftercare advice, such as:

👉Rest and limit facial movements for a day or two.

👉Try to minimize sun exposure for a week or so.

👉Don’t wear makeup for a few days.

👉Sleep in a supine position for one to two weeks.

👉Avoid high-intensity exercises and heat treatments.

👉No smoking or using a straw for a few weeks.

👉Postpone dental treatments for at least a month after the procedure.

👉Hydrate well and eat a healthy, balanced diet to support recovery.

👉Avoid rubbing, massaging, or applying pressure on your face, especially in the treatment area.

👉Use pillows to prop your head up so you don’t land straight on your face if you accidentally turn at night.

How Much Does A PDO Thread Lift Cost?

Now comes the main question you would most likely be waiting for, which is – how much does a PDO thread lift cost after all? Since thread lifts are non-invasive and take less time, they are less expensive than facelift surgeries. It is said that thread lifts can cost somewhere around 40% of the total cost of facelift surgery.

To give you an estimate, you can expect to pay somewhere between $500 and $5000 for a single thread lift procedure. This large variation in cost is due to factors like the city you live in, the number of threads used, the areas being treated, and the experience level of your provider.

One more thing I would like to draw your attention to is that, unlike medical procedures, your insurance will most likely refuse to cover your thread lift procedure as it falls under the realm of cosmetology. So, unless you have enough bucks in your bank, you may want to start saving right away if a thread lift is what you need. Or talk to your provider to see if they have an easy-installment plan that allows you to pay in parts over a period of time.

Are There Any Risks Involved With A PDO Thread Lift?

Although PDO thread lifts are a low-risk procedure and are FDA-approved for treating symptoms of aging on the facial skin and neck area, there are still a few risks involved, which may give rise to complications.

Are There Any Risks Involved With A PDO Thread Lift?

Swelling And Bruising: 

It is quite common to experience a little inflammation, soreness, and discomfort for a few days after the procedure. You can, however, handle this with cold compression and other simple remedies as suggested by your provider.


This complication is associated with most injectable procedures. But if you take care of yourself properly and follow the instructions given, there is less chance of developing an infection. Sometimes the infection is caused by the curling of thread beneath the skin or incorrect thread placement. Your provider will either remove the thread or prescribe medications to manage this condition.


This is often seen at entry points on the skin through which the cannula goes into the skin. At times, bleeding can occur due to damage to blood vessels (2) while the cannula passes through the skin.  

Skin Dimpling: 

Another complication associated with thread lifts is the formation of dimples on the skin. Dimpling causes irregular contouring and generally resolves on its own. However, significant dimples may need a manual procedure to rectify the problem.


Small or large lumps may also manifest after a thread lift. These lumps can form anywhere along the thread and can even be seen through the skin. Redness, swelling, and pain may also occur at the site where a lump is formed.

Allergic Reaction: 

Very rarely, a person may develop an allergic reaction after coming into contact with PDO threads because the thread material does not suit them.

Concluding Thoughts

A PDO thread lift is a reliable non-surgical procedure that rejuvenates facial skin, restores youthfulness, and boosts confidence. It is widely used for cosmetic purposes and helps men and women get tightened and lifted skin at a significantly lower price than facelift surgery. Practitioners all around the world have been successfully using this technique on their clients with great results.

However, if after going through this write-up you are all set to give the PDO thread lift a try, do remember that the procedure does come with its own set of risks and complications. Therefore, I can’t stress enough how important it is to find a qualified and experienced provider to get your thread lift done. 

To find an expert, licensed provider, you can browse through the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ search tool (3). Or you may type in “PDO thread lift near me’ in any search engine to find cosmetic centers that offer this service. Talk to them and get relevant details to understand how good they are. You can also have a look at their PDO thread lift before and after pictures to see their work and decide for yourself.

All in all, if you are someone who wants to address issues like fine lines, wrinkly and sagging skin on your face and neck, you can definitely consider getting a PDO thread lift. It will give you that instant lift you’ve been craving without breaking the bank. So, what do you say, ladies? Are you up for a PDO thread lift yet? Time to think!


How Long Does A PDO Thread Lift Last?

After you have had a PDO thread lift, its effects will last for one to three years, after which you will have to undergo follow-up treatment to maintain the youthful look.

Does PDO Thread Lift Really Work?

Yes, it does! A PDO thread lift can revive and tighten your skin in less than an hour. However, you must note that its effects do not last forever.

  1. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. (2023). cannula. [Online] Available at:
  2. Cleveland Clinic. (2023). Bleeding Into the Skin. [Online] Available at:
  3. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. (2023). FIND A PLASTIC SURGEON NEAR ME. [Online] Available at:

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Priyanka is a women’s health advisor with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the medical field. She has long been a trusted source of guidance for women seeking comprehensive healthcare solutions.

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