Hair Care

Why Does My Hair Smell Burnt? – Reasons, Prevention, And Remedies!

Heating tools might not be the culprit of your burnt hair smell, then what is it? Find out!

Written by Anshita Singh

On Dec 16, 2023 – 10 minutes read

Why Does My Hair Smell Burnt

“Why does my hair smell burnt?” is a common question that often leads to learning more about how to care for your hair and possible reasons for the smell. Dealing with heating tools such as hair straighteners and curling irons for styling hair has become an everyday business nowadays. As much as these tools are detrimental to hair when used on an everyday basis, the burnt hair smell is something that is even more frustrating. Does only heating tools cause a burnt smell or are there any other causes? 

In this blog, we’ll explore everything you need to know about how to deal with burnt hair, the causes, and the best products to mask the smell. So, let’s dig in…

What Is Burnt Hair Smell? 

Why Does My Hair Smell Burnt Without Heat

If you’ve ever used a hot tool to style your hair, you must be aware of that icky smell of burning hair. Your hair isn’t supposed to smell like a poignant chemical, but if it does, know that you’re. overheating your strands. However, in many cases, the smell remains even after washing hair, which is highly likely the consequence of serious hair damage through heat. 

Burnt hair smell can be the after-effect of over-using the hot tool or using the hot tool on the same section of hair again and again. This burns the outer surface of your hair including the cuticle and molecule element which is why your hair smells burnt even after washing. 

If you are someone who uses hot tools carefully or doesn’t use hot tools at all, you might be wondering the cause behind the burnt smell of your hair. Surprisingly, your hair can also start smelling burnt when they are exposed to extreme heat. So, It is recommended not only to use sunscreen for your face but also a heat protectant product like sunscreen for your hair before going out in extreme heat. 

Let’s look at the causes of burnt hair smell in detail:

Common Causes Of Burnt Hair Smell

When exposed to extreme heat or chemical treatment, the sulfur-infused protein in your hair breaks, and the sulfur releases in the air, emitting a poignant burnt odor. 

Common Causes of Burnt Hair Smell

Let’s understand the cause behind burnt hair smell thoroughly…

  • Chemical Damage: Wondering “Why does my hair smell burnt after I wash it?” It is basically the consequence of damaged hair. As explained above, any kind of activity that breaks the protein in your hair leads to a burnt odor. In case of chemical damage, processes such as coloring and bleaching when overdone or done with harsh chemicals can damage your hair, leading to a foul smell(1). It is also not recommended to leave chemical products in for too long in hair. Also, take care of bleached hair, it needs extra nurturing. So, if you’re not heating your hair but processing it back-to-back, chances are that the burnt smell is because of the chemical damage to your hair. 
  • Heat Damage: If you’re thinking “Why does my hair smell burnt after I curl it?”, the most common answer to it could be “Because of the heat damage”. This is the most profound reason why your hair smells burnt. Most of the time you can just tell through the smell that makes you go “Oops! Time to retract the device”. You might have even seen reels or TikTok of people ruthlessly using heating tools when the hair clearly emits smoke and looks dead. Just avoid using your heating tools at too high a temperature. Always, use a heat-protectant product before heating your hair,  and do not leave heating tools for too long in your hair.
  • Chemical and Heat Damage Combo: The worst of them all. What could be more poisonous to your hair than a mayhem of overly chemical products and high-temperature heating tools? Nowadays, it is almost impossible to leave the house without putting any product in your hair such as hair serum or dry shampoo and every occasion asks for some curls or straight strands. However, this is the recipe for damaged hair and it might even become difficult to manage the damage in the long run. 
  • Exposure to Sun: Matter of fact, the harsh UV sun rays not only damage your face’s skin but also effectively deteriorate your hair, making it smell burnt(2). It is advised to use hair products with UV-ray protection to avoid the smell and overall hair damage. 

However, In case you’re stuck with that awful smell and want to get rid of it, then what? Let’s discuss it below…

How To Get Rid Of Burnt Hair Smell?

Common ingredients found at home such as apple cider vinegar, baking soda, vodka, and essential oils can help you remove the burnt smell and add a natural scent. If you’re looking for solutions to “Why does my hair smell burnt after flat iron?’, here are your saviors:

How to Get Rid of Burnt Hair Smell

Here are the four home remedies to remove the smell of burnt hair:

Apple Cider Vinegar can help you get rid of the burnt smell without damaging your hair. ACV is rather a buddy of your hair since it also makes hair shiny and strong. This ingredient is also easy to find at home or in general stores. So, how to use Apple Cider Vinegar to get rid of the burnt hair smell? 

  1. Pick your usual shampoo and mix it in equal parts with apple cider vinegar. 
  2. Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp, and massage thoroughly, especially on the areas that smell the most. 
  3. Rinse hair properly with moderately cool water and let air dry. 

Apple Cider Vinegar doesn’t leave any kind of unpleasant smell in hair when washed thoroughly. It will remove the burnt hair smell though.

Essential Oil masks the unpleasant smell of burnt hair. However, it. Doesn’t remove the smell altogether. This home remedy is vital for the moments when you have to rush to any occasion or event but without that burnt hair odor. So, here’s how to use essential oil in your hair:

  1. Take any clean spray bottle and fill it with warm water
  2. Add 30-40 drops of your essential oil in warm water 
  3. Shake the bottle and spray it on your hair and scalp

You can use any essential oil such as lavender, rosemary, lemon, or your favorite essential oil with warm water to neutralize the foul smell in your hair. Be aware of checking out all the ingredients of the essential oil before putting it in your hair since extra ingredients can irritate your scalp.

When your hair feels down and smelly, give it a vodka shot. The alcohol in vodka can help you cancel the burnt smell in your hair. However, alcohol can dry your hair immensely, so make sure you deep-condition your hair after cleansing to restore its natural moisture. How to put vodka in your hair?

  1. Take a clean spray bottle and fill it with equal parts of water and vodka
  2. Mix thoroughly and spray on your hair and scalp 
  3. Leave the mixture in your hair and allow it to evaporate naturally 

With the vodka evaporating, the smell will also whoosh away.

Not a recommended solution since baking soda is highly alkaline with a pH of 8-9, that’s why baking soda is considered bad for hair. But if you want to badly get rid of that burnt smell, baking soda could be your last resort. To get rid of the burnt smell from your hair, use baking soda the following way:

  1. Pick your usual shampoo and put a teaspoon of baking soda in it.
  2. Massage your hair and scalp with the mixture and lather nicely 
  3. Rinse your hair thoroughly with moderately cool water and follow the process with your favorite conditioner to restore the moisture 

Now that you’ve learned ways of getting rid of the burnt smell from your hair, let’s also get covered with how to not get into hot water again. That is, learn how to prevent burnt hair smell in future:

How To Avoid Burnt Hair Smell In The Future?

Prevention is better than cure. Here’s how you can save your time and efforts spent on getting rid of burnt hair smell:

How To Avoid Burnt Hair Smell
  • Grab a Heat Protectant Product: This could not be emphasized more. Girlies always use a hair protectant spray or serum before going in with the heating tools such as a straightener, curling tool, or even blow dryer. Heat protectant products act as a shield on your hair and lower the heat damage significantly. 
  • Keep that Tool on Low Heat: Do not wait for your hair to emit smoke while your heating tool is at an alerting high degree. It is suggested that you maintain a 300-degree temperature for your styling tool. This amount will save your hair from damage while styling your hair the usual way.   
  • Process Your Hair Less: As explained earlier, processing your hair also leads to a burnt smell since the harsh chemicals break the proteins, releasing the sulfur that results in a bad odor. If you smell burnt, you should put a pause on processing your hair including coloring, highlighting, bleaching, perming, etc for a month or so and give your hair the natural break they need. 
  • Silicones are No-no: Silicones are the foe of your hair, so you need to know whether your hair styling products have it. Products that have silk and amino acids in them, lock in the moisture in your hair. However, many products also contain silicone that can effectively damage your hair, making way for a foul or burnt smell. Also, you must avoid sulfate-infused shampoo and cleansers, since this chemical also potentially damages hair. 

Since we’re on the topic, let’s also have a look at 4 products that will give your hair a hypnotizing smell…

Hair Care Products To Neutralize Or Mask Unwanted Smells

If you are the kind of person who is obsessed with smelling good head to toe, then you’ll love these curated products that will at least make your head smell sensational…

Moroccanoil Treatment

Moroccanoil Treatment

Price: $48.00

A literal hair elixir containing the mesmerizing scents of spicy amber, musk, and sweet florals makes your hair smell dreamy while enriching it with essential nutrients and fatty acids. 

Buy Now

Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition Marvelous Oil Hair Elixir

Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition Marvelous Oil Hair Elixir

Price: $7.99

If you’re looking for a subtle and not-so-overpowering fragrance in your hair, then this Garnier Hair Oil will prove marvelous for your hair. Extra points for the nourishing formula of avocado, almond, and olive oils for those lustrous results. 

Buy Now

Pacifica Indian Coconut Nectar Perfumed Hair and Body Mist

Pacifica Indian Coconut Nectar Perfumed Hair and Body Mist

Price: $11.99

Give me a better combination of fragrance than coconut, chocolate, and vanilla; I’ll wait. The Pacifica Indian Coconut Nectar Mist is a warm, delicate, and sensational fragrant delight that will make you feel exotic and make your hair fluffy. 

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Hempz Sweet Pineapple and Honey Melon Biotin Shampoo

Hempz Sweet Pineapple and Honey Melon Biotin Shampoo

Price: $15.99

If fruity fragrance is your vibe, you’re gonna love the Hempz Biotin Shampoo. The sweet pineapple and honey not only leave a long-lasting fresh and juicy smell in your hair but the natural properties of these ingredients also work wonders for your hair strength and appearance.

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1. Is it normal for hair to smell burnt after using a flat iron or curling iron occasionally?

No, the burnt smell is the consequence of overusing heating tools, it means that your hair is getting damaged due to the heat.

2. Why does my hair sometimes smell burnt even though I don’t use styling tools frequently?

Hair smells burnt when they are damaged due to several factors including heating tools, excessive hair processing, or environmental effects. If your hair smells burnt, it means that the protein in your hair breaks, releasing sulfur which causes the burnt odor.

3. Does keratin smell bad?

Keratin has an odd, musty smell. Some people might find the smell of keratin bad or irritating. 

4. Is the burnt hair smell permanent?

No, it can be treated through a mixture of Apple Cider Vinegar and shampoo or baking soda and shampoo. 

6. Can scalp conditions contribute to a burnt odor in the hair?

An unhygienic scalp can result in weak or damaged hair that can cause a burnt smell in hair. 

5. Can poor hygiene be a cause of the burnt smell in my hair?

Yes, poor hygiene makes hair more prone to damage, which can further lead to the breaking down of protein, leading to a burnt hair smell. 

7. When should I seek professional help for persistent burnt hair odor?

You should seek professional help if the odor persists for several days even after undergoing home remedies. 

Final Thoughts 

Burnt hair smell can be irritating and alarming. However, there are ways to treat and prevent this. Apple Cider Vinegar, Vodka, essential oils, and baking soda are some ingredients that can help you treat a burnt smell. Also, always remember to use a heat protectant before using heating tools. Do not overprocess your hair with bleaches, colors, preps, etc, or use ayurvedic hair color for coloring. To keep your scalp healthy and clean use chemical-free shampoos and occasionally use natural hair masks. 

  1. FDA. (n.d). Hair Smoothing Products That Release Formaldehyde When Heated. [Online] Available at:
  2. National Library of Medicine. (n.d). UV damage of the hair. [Online] Available at:

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Anshitha sigh

As a seasoned critic, a style icon, and a compassionate relationship advisor, Anshita has carved a distinctive niche in the world of entertainment and personal development.

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