Top Podcasts For Women In 2024: Tune Into Empowerment!
From wellness to spiritual channels, we have it all. This article will help you find a voice that truly resonates with your journey to self-improvement.
On Jan 26, 2024 – 8 minutes read
Did you know that the music you listen to influences your mind, self-talk, habits, and ultimately, your success? This is why listening to podcasts has taken off in the last few years, where women are choosing to spend more time listening to experts during their daily commute, workout sessions, or home chores. It also makes for an amazing morning-to-night routine if you’re an auditory person and choose listening over reading.
Today, we’ve brought you a rundown of the best podcasts for women in 2024 so you can start the year on a positive note. Without any further delay, let’s dive right in!
Best Podcasts For Women 2024
Our Top Picks
- Terrible, Thanks for Asking by Nora McLnerny: Life is full of ups and downs, but very few of us love to openly address the plight of us fragile humans. At the end of the day, we’re all struggling in our own ways with demons only we see. “Terrible, Thanks for Asking”(1) is one of the most popular podcasts for women that sheds light on such scenarios, giving us all a medium to voice out how difficult such experiences can be, behind the smiles and tough gal acts.
- Wiser Than Me by Julia Louis-Deyfrus: As women, we’re faced with unique challenges and situations where we wish we had someone, anyone, to look up to. A wiser lady who has a pearl of wisdom (or a trove full of them) to help us navigate womanhood and life. Well, Wiser Than Me is the best for a reason. The Emmy winning-est of all time actress Julia brings on amazing women of substance who have walked the walk and talked their talk.
Religious And Prayer
- She lives purposefully by Megan Holmes Edmonds: Living with intention can do you a world of good. When prayer and faith are added to the mix, the result is a beautiful life full of grace. For your successful times and the challenging bits, She Lives Purposefully is a Christian podcast for women that addresses it all.
- Your Daily Prayer by iBelieve: Have you ever experienced wanting desperately to pray for a cause but not having the right words? Put together by a group of brilliant women from various walks of life, Your Daily Prayer is the best Christian podcast for women that you must have in your favorites.
- Christian Girls in the City by LaToya Déshawn: “A woman close to God is an invincible powerhouse.” If you feel disconnected from God while being pulled into the fast life of city-dwelling, Christian Girls in the City podcast is a must-have. LaToya is the sister we never had but always wished for, guiding us gracefully through daily life decisions in unshakeable faith.
Empowerment And Inspiration
Looking for the Best Self Help Podcasts For Women? Stuff Mom Never Told You(2) is a gem that takes you through inspiring nuggets of knowledge in every aspect of life. This is one of the best motivational podcasts for women in their 20s to help them navigate growing into healthy adults. Another one, Michelle Obama: The Light Podcast is our all-time favorite because who wouldn’t be inspired by the favorite First Lady of the United States?
Health And Wellness
- The Happiness Lab by Dr Laurie Santos: The key to being happy all the time is something we all chase. But what if we told you there’s an equation to finding lasting peace? The Happiness Lab(3) does just that and more!
- Holistic Women’s Health by Alex Adele King: As women, multitasking is something we get used to, but often at the cost of neglecting our well-being. Holistic Women’s Health podcast(4) will help you work on your health in a 360-degree holistic approach.
Spirituality And New Age
Having a spiritual awakening and need help navigating the stages? These well-known spiritualists are legends who live among us and can make your dark night of the soul easier to traverse. Eckhart Tolle: Essential Teachings is a must-listen. In all these decades, very few people have had a mind like Tolle. Listen to him speak with Oprah Winfrey as they discuss complex matters of the human experience with child-like simplicity. We guarantee this is one of the best inspirational podcasts for women of the decade!
True Crime
- A Very Fatal Murder: Listen to this jewel of a true crime podcast while traveling to work, or while chilling at home- the venue won’t dampen your adrenaline rush. A series of unique mysteries await you in A Very Fatal Murder‘s most delectable and dark narration style.
- My Favorite Murder: For those who love to have a laugh but also listen to true crime stories, My Favorite Murder podcast will tickle your funny bone- all the while keeping you on your toes!
Lifestyle And Relationships
Have you read or heard about attachment theory? Whether the answer is yes or no, Let’s Talk Attachments by Jessica Da Silva will change your life and your interpersonal dynamics, turning your relationships healthier. Another amazing podcast on the same subject is On Attachment by Stephanie Rigg.
Comedy And Entertainment
Have you ever experienced or witnessed some event so weird, that your mind screamed the words “shady”? In either case, you can still have a good laugh about it with relatable or absolutely wild happenings narrated by star comedian Casey Balsham in her podcast Shady Shit.
Feminism And Social Issues
For women, feminism and politics are an intersection, which is why you’re about to have your mind blown with these excellent podcasters.
- The Guilty Feminist: Ever felt like you need to be better at feminism but just don’t know where to start? Well, your time to learn with giggles has arrived! Check out The Guilty Feminist(11) Podcast!
- Feminist Survival Podcast: Here’s the flip side of the first suggestion- In this podcast, hear from feminists who feel like there’s so much more to do while working through the motions of breaking glass ceilings on the regular.
Personal Stories And Narratives
Do you wish you knew a wise friend who has been through the ups and downs of life, all while knowing how to recover well? We Can Do Hard Things is a podcast with not one, but THREE relatable voices. Glenon Doyle, her wife Abby, and sister Amanda are here to talk about the hard things we have to do every day with their personal stories as well as several well-known guests who share their narratives for deeper wisdom in life.
Business And Finance
Want to make more money? Well, you’re right on cue with millions of others, many of whom have benefitted from business mogul Tori’s business advice. The podcast Financial Feminist(5) is a great way to learn the basics of money management as well as planning your finances for the life you dream of.
News And Current Events
If you like to stay current and updated, both foresight and hindsight are important. The podcasts below take care of each event in great detail.
- The Assignment with Audie Cornish: Want to escape your digital echo chamber and hear news from the source itself? The Assignment takes on a story each week, connecting you to the people directly affected by the event. No topic is off the table!
- You’re Wrong About by Sarah Marshall and Michael Hobbs: What if you didn’t know your historical events and news that well? Cutting through mass misconception is the podcast You’re Wrong About, one piece at a time.
Storytelling And History
There are so many powerful women in the past who walked so that we could run. However, their stories were either forgotten, erased, whitewashed, or plagiarized with time. Join HERstory on the Rocks as they take you back in time when these forgotten ‘SHEroes’ of impact made a difference that changed the trajectory of humanity forever.
Diversity And Inclusivity
We live in a world where the scales are not quite balanced, but wouldn’t it be great to find out where to bridge the gap? The Diversity Gap(6) and Identity Politics are two captivating and entertaining podcasts for all those who wish to make a difference in the micro and see the change in the grander scheme of things.
Why Listen To Podcasts?
If you’re wondering why you should spend time listening to podcasts in lieu of listening to the same song for the thousandth time, we’ve summarized a few very compelling reasons:
- Opens the mind to multiple perspectives
- Helps with critical reasoning and multi-dimensionality
- Receive expert advice and opinions on niche subjects
- Use of time spent on commute and chores
- Stay Updated with the Times
- Reprogram your mind to your ideal self
Podcasting Platforms And How To Tune In
Wondering where you can start listening to these podcasts and more? Well, the internet is a beautiful place that is an endless resource of channels and platforms that help you access podcasts for free. Here are a few of the most popular platforms to start with:
- Spotify
- Apple Music
- YouTube
- Amazon Prime Music
- A podcaster’s website
Engaging With The Community
If you’re wondering how you can speak with like-minded ladies who listen to your favorite podcasts, the comments section and the Podcast Forum are great places to start. Each podcaster has a website and community that you can be a part of and have a podcast club-like environment. If you’re lucky, your favorite podcaster may also be on tour for meet-and-greet sessions with listeners!
You could either head over to music streaming channels like YouTube, Amazon Prime, Apple Music, or Spotify for the best podcasts based on genre. Google can help you find the websites of podcasters you’d love to listen to.
A great way of getting in the groove is to start with podcasts that align with your favorite genre of books!
There are several podcasts hosted by women, all found easily with a simple search.
You can join their community and donate to podcasters you love. Better yet, why not become a podcaster yourself?
Final Word
One of the most essential aspects of improving your productivity is learning how to manage your time. Since 2024 seems like a year where self-care and personal improvement are at the forefront of all our minds, why not invest time in learning? After all, the brain is constantly picking up on information to learn from! In the learning game, a podcast is one of the best ways to keep your mindset evolving.
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