Eye Makeup

Can You Put Mascara On Eyelash Extensions? All Things Mascara

Longer and fuller does not always mean better.

Written by Manal Yahya

On Oct 9, 2023 – 5 minutes read

Can You Put Mascara On Eyelash Extensions

Anyone flaunting extensions may wonder, can you put mascara on eyelash extensions? Unfortunately, there is no clear-cut answer to this question as it falls on the greyscale, mostly. To put it simply— can you use mascara on lash extensions? Yes, you can. Can you put mascara on your gorgeous branded eyelash extensions without ruining them? Well, that depends on a couple of other factors you must consider. Let us dig deeper into the ins and outs of using mascara on lash extensions!

Can You Put Mascara On Eyelash Extensions Without Ruining It?

Technically speaking, you can put mascara on eyelash extensions. But it is highly advisable you should not if certain factors are not taken into consideration. For instance, what sort of eyelash extension are you using? What kind of mascara are you planning to use? How do the ingredients react? Your answer to Can you apply mascara to lash extensions only becomes favorable once these are factored in.

Can You Put Mascara On Eyelash Extensions Without Ruining It

The answer to Can you put mascara on eyelash extensions could be as simple as this: the right kind of mascaras with the right kind of formulas on the right kind of lashes give a green light. Confused? Breaking down “Can you put mascara on eyelash extensions” further here. 

Before learning if can you use mascara on eyelash extensions, consider the type of extensions you have. While classic lashes consist of one extension to an individual lash, volume or hybrid lashes consist of multiple extensions to one natural lash. If you use classic lash extensions, you may wear certain types of mascara. On the other hand, if you are using volume lashes or hybrid lashes, there is a strongly advised no-mascara policy. Because wearing mascara adds extra weight which only a classic lash set allows.

If you are still wondering can I put mascara on lash extensions, you can if used properly and you wash your lashes well. Yes, the chances of ruining your lashes or falsies are significantly high —think: lash fallout and extension damage. However, if advised mascaras are used and removed properly, you can avoid bad extensions and save your lash sets from damage.

How To Wear Mascara With Lash Extensions?

How To Wear Mascara With Lash Extensions
  1. Make sure to clean your face well.
  2. Wash your eyelash extensions thoroughly with an extension cleanser.
  3. Once washed and cleaned, allow your extensions to air dry.
  4. After the lashes are dried, gently comb through the lashes with a small lash comb or a mascara spoolie, avoiding pulling or tugging.
  5. Open your oil-free or water-based mascara tube and wipe off excess product from the wand.
  6. Apply the mascara to the lash extensions as you would apply to your natural lashes. Gently press the wand against your lashes without moving it from side to side.
  7. Keep in mind to avoid the roots. Instead, apply mascara from the middle of your lashes to the tips(1).
  8. Avoid applying more than one coat of mascara.

Which Types Of Mascaras Can You Use On Your Eyelash Extensions?

Types Of Mascaras You Can Use On Your Eyelash Extensions

Even with voluminous lashes on, our eyes often feel naked without a coat of mascara to complete the look. They make your eyes pop and keep your lashes lifted. This could be why you want to know if you can put mascara on eyelash extensions. But using lash extensions self-adhesive or having permanent extensions means there is no need for half of your eye makeup collection. Mascara as well?! Yes, except for a handful.

To answer can you apply mascara to lash extensions, you must be wearing classic lash extensions. If yes, you have two options.

✔️ Water-based Mascaras

The perfect mascara pick for eyelash extensions is obviously a water-based one as it lacks waxy and oily substances. Most importantly, it does not ruin lashes, not even the extensions, or dissolve the gluing agents in the lash glue. Besides, they are easy to remove and wash away. This is the best choice to answer can you use mascara on lash extensions?

✔️ Oil-free Mascaras

You need your lashes to stay put, for which you use the glue. Oils in mascaras dissolve the gluing agents and weaken them in your glue, in turn, ruins the lash extensions. Even worse, causes your extensions to fall out prematurely. When choosing a mascara for your extensions, avoid oil-based as well as silicone-based mascaras.

If you have been wondering if can I put mascara on lash extensions, you must know what types of mascara to avoid first.

Which Types Of Mascara To Avoid With Lash Extensions?

When asking the question ‘Can you put mascara on eyelash extensions,’ the important factor is the types of mascaras to avoid at all costs. They are:

Waterproof Mascaras

The hydrophobic qualities that make this type of mascara waterproof also make the product highly drying to the extensions. They are formulated with silicone and other harmful substances like Teflon, resulting in flaky, hard yet fragile and breaking extensions. Although popular, it is extremely difficult to remove waterproof mascaras even from natural lashes.

Fiber Mascaras

Fiber mascaras consist of dry artificial fibers, such as rayon, and nylon fibers to add bulk and volume, along with rayon. These microscopic fibers are impossible to remove from lashes and will damage lash extensions quickly by causing fiber fallout.

Tube Mascaras

This type of mascara consists of polymers that wrap tubes around each of your individual lashes. When applied on lash extensions, they stick like cement, damaging your extensions severely.

How To Remove Mascara From Eyelash Extensions?

  1. Using your fingers or a spoolie, gently brush the lash extensions with an oil-free or water-based cleanser. 
  2. Once the mascara is removed, rinse with lukewarm water.
  3. Pat your lash extensions with a lint-free towel.
  4. Gently brush through your extensions several times.

Mascara On Extensions: Pros And Cons

Remember how we weighed in on the pros and cons of eyelash extensions before we set on to get our extensions? Likewise, let’s look at the positive and negative aspects of applying mascara on those wonderful lashes.


  • Adds additional volume and color to the extension.
  • Increases the length of lashes.
  • Helps fill in the gaps when lashes are sparse.
  • Nourishes natural lashes with the soothing ingredients.


  • Break, lose shape, or droop down the lashes with added weight.
  • Causes premature extension fallout due to the oils included.
  • Makes extensions appear unnatural.


1. Does mascara remove eyelash extensions?

Certain mascara formulas, such as oil-based, fiber, and tube mascaras damage and remove eyelash extensions.

2. Can I use mascara on eyelash glue?

No, you cannot use mascara on eyelash glue.

3. Can you wear bottom mascara with eyelash extensions?

Make sure you use water-based mascara that is easy to remove. 

4. Can you put mascara on hybrid eyelash extensions?

No, mascara on hybrid eyelash extensions causes them to shut and clump.

  1. American Academy of Ophthalmology. (2023). Eyelash Extension Facts and Safety. (Online). Available at


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Manal is a lifestyle influencer who has spent years delving into the world of beauty, fashion, and wellness- a pro when it comes to anything woman.

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