Skin Care

How To Get Rid Of Jowls: From Saggy To Splendid – Your Step-By-Step Guide!

Get rid of jowls to reclaim your youthful allure. 

Written by Nitha Girija Vallabhan

On Sep 30, 2023 – 11 minutes read

How To Get Rid Of Jowls

Hello there, gorgeous! Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder ‘How did I get these jowls?’ Well, you are not alone. Those unflattering jowls around the jawline and neck can make you look a decade older. But worry not, because today we are about to peel back the curtains on jowls and explore methods to help you regain your stunning, youthful looks. Yes, let’s learn how to get rid of jowls and unveil your vibrant beauty. 

Whether your signs of aging are just appearing on the horizon or you have been battling jowls for years, we have got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into what causes jowls in the first place, how you may be unknowingly aggravating it, and how to get rid of jowls with natural remedies or surgical means. Your journey towards firmer, smoother, and more radiant skin begins right now!

How To Get Rid Of Jowls: So, What Are Jowls?

Jowls – the word sounds kind of cute, but when they eventually make an appearance on your face, it is anything but cute. Jowls can make it seem like you have aged overnight, triggering a panicked search on how to get rid of jowls. So, let us start off with what jowls are. 

What Are Jowls

Look into the mirror. Do you see saggy skin and droopy flesh around your jawline? These are basically pockets of fatty tissue and loose skin visible along your cheeks and jawline. Your once tight and toned jawline now seems to be migrating towards the jawline of a bulldog. Yikes! Now those are jowls. See how jowls seem to make you appear older? This is exactly why you must know how to get rid of sagging jowls. 

Unveiling The Common Causes Of Jowls

Jowls start off innocently enough as a subtle feeling of flabbiness along the jawline, cheeks, and neck. You may also notice visible drooping of the cheeks. Although this happens due to the natural aging process, sometimes jowls can appear prematurely due to various reasons that include:

Natural aging

The relentless march of time can lead to a fall in the skin’s production of elastin and collagen, two proteins essential to maintaining your skin’s elasticity and overall firmness of the facial structure. Your skin will have a hard time bouncing back once these proteins begin dwindling, causing jowls. 

Sun exposure

Sunlight is great for the skin and your health. But too much of it can mean overexposure to UV rays that can weaken collagen and elastin, speeding up the creation of jowls. So, if you are wondering how to get rid of jowls, start using sunscreen every time you step outdoors. 

Common causes of jowls


Surprised to see smoking listed as a cause of jowls? It is a proven fact that smoking can contribute to premature skin aging by restricting the flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the skin. The result? Gradual skin damage that includes – you guessed it right – jowls. 


If your parents look young for their age, chances are that you have been handed down an incredible genetic card. But if your genes feature saggy skin and weak jawline support, you may develop jowls earlier in life. 

Weight fluctuations

Wild fluctuations in weight can be challenging for your skin’s elasticity. Sometimes, your skin that stretches when you pile up the pounds may not return to its original form when you lose those extra pounds. This leaves you with unflattering jowls.

Neglecting skincare routine

Poor skincare habits like not removing makeup before sleep, skipping moisturizer, and leaving your skin dehydrated can accelerate the formation of jowls. 

So, as you can see, jowls may be the result of a combination of different factors. Switching to a healthier lifestyle, eating right, staying hydrated, and following a skincare routine is paramount to delaying the formation of jowls. 

How To Get Rid Of Jowls – Proven Methods You Must Know

If you thought that it was impossible to get rid of jowls once they form, think again. (1) You will be thrilled to learn that there are actually several methods that can help you tighten those sagging jowls and reclaim a more youthful appearance. Here are some tips to get started:

Get Rid Of Jowls – Proven Methods You Must Know

1. Safeguard your skin from the signs of aging

Although the natural aging process cannot be stopped forever, you may try jaw exercises designed to tighten your facial muscles. Mimic the chewing motion on an exaggerated scale to tone your jawline. Facial yoga poses like the fish face, lion face, and chin lift are also great for firming the muscles along your jawline. Facial massage is another amazing technique to promote circulation and reduce the appearance of jowls. 

2. Make friends with collagen

An extra boost of collagen can tighten the skin like magic. Invest in high-grade collagen serums or creams to keep your skin supple and elastic. (2)

3. Do not forget sunscreen

Extended exposure to harsh sunlight is the arch-nemesis of your skin. So, if you are worried about how to get rid of jowls, begin with using a sunscreen lotion to shield your skin from the damaging effects of UV rays. 

4. Welcome retinoids to your skincare routine

Retinoids are super-effective in fighting jowls. The powerful compounds in retinoid serums improve cell production, endowing you with smoother skin. 

5. Hydration is key

Sufficient amounts of water can keep your skin plump, radiant, and hydrated. Drink ample water to keep those jowls at bay. Fighting jowls cannot get easier than this.

6. Get expert advice

Sometimes, you may require professional guidance to get rid of jowls. A cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist can suggest customized solutions such as laser treatments or fillers to eliminate jowls. 

Every face is unique and so are jowls. For this reason, there is no one-solution-fits-all when it comes to jowls. These tips will help you make informed decisions on what may work best for you. If in doubt, do not hesitate to visit an expert for reliable advice. 

Say Goodbye To Jowls The Natural Way With These Tips

Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Jowls

When you are perplexed about how to get rid of sagging jowls, it is always a good idea to seek natural ways of doing it. So, here is a look into some interesting tips on how to get rid of jowls naturally:

🧘Facial yoga

This is so much fun! Okay, making all those funny expressions may seem a bit silly, but trust me, it works. Browse online to discover facial yoga exercises designed to tone the muscles around your cheeks and jawline. 

🫗Stay hydrated

In the absence of hydration, your skin can turn dry, making it more prone to developing signs of aging. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water every day to keep your skin elastic. 

🍔Watch what you eat

Your face reflects what you consume. Increase your intake of food sources rich in antioxidants like nuts, leafy greens, and berries to eliminate free radicals that can cause signs of aging such as jowls. 

🍋Consume collagen-boosting foods

Adequate amounts of collagen translate into firmer, more youthful-looking skin. Explore food sources such as citrus fruits, fish, and bone broth that stimulate natural collagen production.

💆‍♀️Massage away the jowls

Apply a few drops of any natural oil like olive oil or almond oil and gently massage your jawline in the upward direction. This promotes blood flow and makes the skin firmer. 

🙇‍♂️Chin-up exercises

These exercises are remarkably effective in strengthening the muscles along your jaw and neck. Try these exercises for a few weeks and you are sure to be impressed by the results.

☀️Minimize your sun exposure

Sun damage is bad news for the skin, leading to the creation of jowls. Use sunscreen with ample SFF rating and pop on a wide-brimmed hat if you will be out in the sun for long. 

😴Adopt better sleeping positions

Your sleeping position may play a role in the formation of jowls. Are you sleeping on the side with your face pressed against the pillow? This practice can cause wrinkles and sagging. Instead, sleep on your back so that gravity has no chance of aggravating your jowls. 

💆Facial masks

No, we are not talking about the expensive, branded ones, but DIY face masks featuring ingredients such as yogurt, egg whites, and honey. These homemade masks work wonders in tightening the skin and giving it a visible lift. 

Patience is key if you prefer to walk the natural way. It will take considerable time for the results to show up. But stay consistent, be positive, and visualize a younger you every time you do face yoga and chin-up exercises. And your jowls will flee the scene soon!

How To Get Rid Of Sagging Jowls?

Are those sagging jowls making it hard for you to look in the mirror? Wondering how to get rid of saggy jowls? Thankfully, it is possible to reverse the formation of jowls and make them appear less visible. Here are some tips that will help you sport a tighter, more defined jawline:

How To Get Rid Of Sagging Jowls

Yoga for your face

You obviously realize the benefits of yoga for your body. Now it is time to provide the yoga advantage for your face. Try face yoga that helps tighten the skin along your jawline. Sit comfortably and say A-E-I-O-U in the most exaggerated fashion. Do you feel your facial muscles stretching and relaxing? Keep at it and you will soon notice visible results. 

Set aside time for a skincare routine

Jowls or no jowls, a meticulous skincare routine can keep you looking radiant. If you are targeting jowls, choose a high-grade anti-aging cream with hyaluronic acid and retinol. These powerful ingredients are unmatched when it comes to tightening the skin and reducing the appearance of jowls. 

Adopt a good posture

Slouching can make you appear tired and lead to new jowls. Hold yourself tall and erect. The posture will instill confidence and make you look more youthful. 

Advanced skin tightening

In case you are looking for a more reliable solution, do explore Ultherapy(3). This is a non-invasive procedure that harnesses the power of ultrasound technology to promote the production of collagen, thereby tightening your skin. If you are thinking of how to get rid of jowls without surgery, Ultherapy is a perfect option. It gives you facelift-life results without surgery.

Cosmetic surgery

If your jowls are rather advanced, creams, exercises, and face massages may not produce the expected results. In case this scenario seems relatable, you need to consult a professional to explore options such as dermal fillers or facelifts. The results of these procedures are almost instant and long-lasting.

Saggy jowls take longer to diminish than recently formed ones. But that does not mean you need to accommodate those bothersome jowls on your pretty face. Use the tips above to fight your saggy jowls and regain looks that will make heads turn!

Surgical Options To Get Rid Of Jowls

Let’s admit it. All of us do not have the patience to wait for our jowls to vanish. Amidst their hectic lives, most ladies may not be able to consistently massage their faces, practice face yoga or even ensure a collagen-rich diet. Instead of walking around frustrated about those pesky jowls, why not consider surgical procedures? 

Surgical Options To Get Rid Of Jowls

Jowl surgery also goes by the name of lower rhytidectomy or lower facelift. The surgical procedure targets jowls in the cheeks, jawline, and neck to restore your youthful looks. The results are almost instantly visible, taking years off from your face. Plus, you have a host of surgical options to choose from. Some of these include: 

Thread lift

If you have a busy schedule and cannot afford to spend days recuperating after a jowl surgery, thread lift is the option for you. This procedure involves using tiny sutures to gently lift and tighten the skin. Thread lifts offer results similar to a facelift but without the downtime. 

Mini facelift

If your jowls are just beginning to show and do not really demand a full facelift, a mini facelift is one option to consider. Usually, this procedure focuses on the lower half of the face and uses small incisions to lift up jowls. The advantages of this procedure include its minimally invasive nature and lesser recovery time. 

Traditional facelift

This is the full-on facelift that offers the best results. The surgeon will make incisions along natural lines such as near the hairline or around the ears. After the underlying muscles are pulled tight, they trim off excess fat and skin. The procedure is an invasive one and requires considerable time for recovery. However. The results are pure magic, almost like hitting the rewind button to reclaim your younger self.

Facelift Step-by-step Procedure:

Here are the different steps involved in a facelift.

1. Anesthesia

You will be provided anesthesia to make the experience painless and comfortable. Just lie back and relax to wake up to a younger version of yourself!

2. The incisions

Do not worry about the incisions being visible after surgery. Your surgeon will deftly hide those incisions along the hairline or around the ears to make it as discreet as possible. 

3. Adjusting tissues and muscles

This is the most crucial stage of the procedure. The surgeon will gently adjust the facial muscles and tissues to eliminate those jowls and achieve a tighter and smoother appearance. 

4. Removing excess skin and fat

Once the skin is pulled tight, there may be extra skin or fat that will be carefully removed. 

5. Closure

The surgeon will now stitch up the incisions to ensure a neat finish and minimal scarring. 

No matter what surgical option you choose, make sure to consult qualified, experienced, and reputed professionals. Have an open conversation to discuss your doubts and fears. Request client testimonials if necessary and go ahead once you are fully convinced. 

Let’s Sum Up

Well, you are now a pro on how to get rid of saggy jowls. While jowls may be one of the most visible signs of aging, remember that the situation is not entirely out of your control. Gaining an understanding of what causes jowls is crucial to begin addressing the issue. Whether you are trying to stall the skin’s natural aging process or are keen to avoid skincare blunders, there are tried-and-tested ways to keep your jawline looking fab. 

Embrace the right balance of skincare, exercise, and lifestyle changes to bring back your toned jawline. Of course, it is vital to stay hydrated and remain consistent in your efforts. Choose from facial exercises, holistic remedies, or surgical treatments based on how fast and how good you expect the results to be. So, start working on those jowls today to reinvent a more confident and more jaw-some version of yourself!

  1. National Library of Medicine. (n.d). The Surgical Anatomy of the Jowl and the Mandibular Ligament Reassessed. [Online] Available at:
  2. FDA. (n.d). Wrinkle Treatments and Other Anti-aging Products. [Online] Available at:

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Nitha Girija

Nitha is a writer and a go-to source for the latest in beauty and fashion. An ardent advocate for inclusive beauty, she is continuously inspiring women to create an authentic self-image.

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