Hair Care

How Does Triple Hair Wash Improve Your Hair Health?

Before you swipe left, hold on. This could be what your hair needs.

Written by Durgah

On Jun 22, 2023 – 13 minutes read

“Triple hair wash technique? You don’t mean washing your hair three times, do you?” You might ask. Yep, that’s exactly what it is – washing your hair thrice in a row. If that raises your eyebrows, I don’t blame you. So did I, the first time it caught my ears. But before you shrug it off as just another internet fad, you might want to give this one the benefit of doubt, because this could really be what your hair needs now. 

Now, we have all been told that too much washing is bad for the hair. And so it is. But triple washing is a different ball game, which to be honest, is not for everyone. But, how do you know if your hair needs it? We will take you through the A to Z of triple hair wash technique so you can make the decision for yourself– for your hair.

Why You Should Care About The Triple Hair Wash Technique?

Hair health begins at the scalp. Has it ever crossed your mind that an unhealthy scalp could be the source of many, if not all of your hair concerns? Dull lifeless hair, damaged hair, hair thinning, hair fall– just to name a few. 

For hair to grow healthy from the roots, you need to first make sure you’re providing it with the right environment to grow, i.e. a healthy scalp. Can you imagine healthy hair growing from an unclean or dry, scaly, and unhealthy scalp? A scalp ridden with dirt, dead skin, and oil residue can be the breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.

Now, when faced with any hair concern, our first instinct is to hunt for a hair product that targets that particular problem– a hair growth serum, an anti-dandruff shampoo, a conditioner for dry hair, hair-protecting creams, and so on. Don’t get me wrong– they do benefit your hair in certain ways. But more products are not always the answer. The more styling products (say dry shampoo, hair sprays, and hair gels) you use, the more they build up on your hair and scalp. The result is more damage, lackluster hair, and a slew of other hair issues. Your current hair wash routine may not be efficient at removing all of that oil, dirt, and product buildup from your hair and scalp. This is where triple hair wash enters the scene. 

But why three times? We’re getting there. 

Understanding the Triple Hair Wash Technique

We have heard of double cleansing the face. If you have tried it, you know how much it helps to keep your face and pores clean, and how that enables better absorption of the skincare products you apply to your face giving better results. Similar to this, triple hair wash leaves your scalp squeaky clean, leaving a better environment for your hair to grow. Simply put, a triple hair wash is the equivalent of a face cleanse or gut detoxification. It detoxifies your scalp, liberating it from dirt and pollutants you expose your hair to as well as residues from haircare treatments and the styling products you get on your hair.

But like we said earlier, triple hair wash is not for everyone. There are some caveats too. So, should you try this? If yes, what is the right way to do it? Are there any side effects to it? We will look at all of these before we make the verdict. 

What Is The Triple Hair Wash Technique?

Triple hair wash is a ‘trend’ that emerged on TikTok and Instagram in recent years. Understandably, it has faced its share of backlash from users on TikTok and Instagram for obvious reasons. But influencers and haircare experts continue to recommend it, albeit with some warnings. So what is all the fuss about?

Triple hair wash is a hair washing method that involves washing your hair three times back-to-back. You shampoo your hair three times in a single shower giving it a deep cleanse. Thrice sure doesn’t sound good. But there’s more to it than meets the ear when you delve into the science and reason behind what may sound like such a bizarre idea. It is in fact a new approach to hair care and hair washing from a fresh perspective. Let’s shed the layers around this technique and reveal its benefits one by one.

What Are The Benefits Of Triple Hair Washing?

Triple hair washing essentially focuses on deep cleansing your hair, thereby promoting a healthy scalp and healthier hair.

Healthy Scalp

The scalp is the place where the root of your hair problems runs deep. What triple washing does is eliminate all the dirt, oil, and product residue from your scalp and create a healthy, clean environment for your hair to grow. Triple cleansing saves your scalp from the potential damage that the buildup of chemical residues from the products you use can cause to your scalp. It can keep you away from dandruff and other scalp infections. It clears your hair follicles and rejuvenates them. Meaning less hair fall, better hair nourishment, and faster hair growth. 

That said, you don’t want to miss scalp skinification that focuses exclusively on your scalp to promote hair growth.

Healthy Hair

Now, not only your scalp, your hair too is exposed to a lot of styling products these days. Hair styling creams like mousses, dry shampoo, hair gels, hair masks, hair sprays, hair sunscreens, and other leave-in products– the list is endless. As we dump more of these products and materials onto our hair, we fail to realize that we are doing more harm than good in the long run. 

We’re not talking simply about the harshness of these chemicals on your hair. We have to remember that these days styling products are oftentimes waterproof and made to last long on hair. Due to their composition and low solubility, a single wash with shampoo may not wash away the residue completely. It sticks onto your hair, accumulates over time and you’ll find your hair more damaged and lifeless than what you started with. 

Add to the above, the environmental exposure to dust, dirt, and the sun every day, which is known to slow down the hair growth cycle (1). Not only do the chemical residues on your hair length damage the hair strands, but they also clog the hair follicles and prevent the hair from absorbing all the nutrition and goodness from the hair masks, serums, etc. that you use. On a side note, if you have not heard of the hair care ritual of hair cycling, we suggest you explore that too.

Tripe Hair Washing: A Preventive Care

Triple washing makes sure your hair strands are clean and open to nourishment. It is therefore seen as a preventive to damaged, dry, frizzy and lifeless hair. Triple hair washing, if done rightly, can give you the following benefits:

  • A problem-free scalp
  • Better hair growth
  • Reduced hair damage
  • Reduced hair fall
  • Better shine for hair
  • Healthy strands that look and feel good

Now that we have covered the benefits of the triple hair wash, let’s head straight to the ‘how to’ part.

How To Do A Triple Hair Wash?

Triple hair wash basically has three steps to it – rinsing your hair, lathering in the shampoo, and rinsing it off. Then you repeat these steps. And then repeat again. But if shampooing your hair three times was all that this technique had to it, we could have stopped at that, but that’s not the case here. The beauty and the effect of triple hair wash consist in knowing your hair and customizing the process to suit your hair. We will get into that shortly. But let’s go through the steps involved in this technique.


Here are the preliminary steps to get prepared for your hair detox. This is not exclusive to triple hair wash but is recommended before any hair washing routine you adopt.

  • Oiling: Oiling is always a good idea before a shampoo session. The chemicals in the shampoo as well as other hair products you regularly use, can strip your hair of its natural oils and moisture. Applying a nourishing oil and leaving it on for 1 to 2 hours before the shower will help to balance the oil levels and give time for your hair to absorb the nutrients from the oil.
  • Brushing and detangling: It is advised that you brush and detangle your hair before shower. Oiling will make it easier by providing more lubrication and rendering the brushing less harsh on your hair. Alternatively, you can also use a hair serum.

Triple Hair Washing: First Round

Start with rinsing your hair. In the first round of triple washing, use warm (not hot) water for the rinse. This will help open up the pores and hair follicles to make them more receptive to the treatment.  It is important to soak your hair completely wet so the shampoo lathers well and works evenly on your hair.

Now the shampooing part. Take a small amount of shampoo on your palm, lather it well between your palms and apply it on your hair from top to end. Focus on the scalp and hair roots. Gently massage the scalp all over in small circles with your fingertips. While you massage, do it mindfully, giving your scalp all the care, it needs. This will also provide stimulation for the cells and enhance blood flow, which is great for hair growth.

Triple Hair Washing: Second Round

Second round of the triple hair wash technique follows the same steps as the first round but uses a different shampoo. The second wash aims to remove any stubborn chemical residue from hair products, medicines or built-up chlorine and minerals from hard water that your first wash might have easily missed. Haircare experts strongly recommend using a restructuring shampoo in this step. More on that below.

Triple Hair Washing: Third Round

Third round repeats the second round. Shampoo, rinse.

But hey, we’re not done yet. Before you wrap up your hair, grab that conditioner! I cannot stress this enough. With your hair all stripped clean, your hair needs some extra hydration. So treat your hair generously with that conditioner. Now for the final rinse, use cold water. This will close all the pores and help seal in the moisture and make your hair less vulnerable to external aggressors. 

Also, a common mistake people tend to make is to not rinse well. Especially when you are triple washing, you should rinse your hair thoroughly to remove every last remnant of the shampoo. Otherwise, it defeats the whole purpose of the washing technique which is detoxification. Wash your hair and scalp under running water for a good 30 seconds to one minute.

Getting it done from the salon is also a good option. But if you decide to DIY, make sure you set aside some time for this and not rush through the process.

What Products Should I Use For Triple Washing?

Like we said, the magic of triple washing lies in choosing the right product and customizing the ritual to suit your hair’s needs. Here are some pointers on how to choose the right shampoos for you.

  • According to your scalp condition (oily/dry/ normal)
  • According to your hair type (Curly, wany, straight)
  • Shampoos for colored and chemically treated hair
  • According to your hair issues (dandruff, itchy scalp, damaged or dull hair)

Products For First Round

First round focuses on scalp cleansing. Using a clarifying shampoo will make all the difference in ensuring maximum detox and exfoliation of the scalp. It is good to address any scalp issue you may have, at this stage. If you have dandruff, go for an anti-dandruff shampoo. However, make sure that you use a shampoo free from parabens, sulfates and other harsh chemicals. Or better yet, a vegan shampoo! Here are some recommendations from SoulFactors.

For Oily Scalp:

DEGREASE Clarifying Shampoo for Oily Hair and Oily Scalp

For Normal to Dry Scalp:

MANETAIN Clarifying Shampoo for Wavy, Dry, Curly and Frizzy Hair50ml

Products For Second & Third Rounds:

It is important to use a nourishing shampoo at this stage. The ideal choice would be a restructuring shampoo with a Vitamin complex. A restructuring shampoo nourishes and repairs damaged hair all the while being delicate on your hair. Again you can find one that’s best for your hair type.

Our top choices:

  1. Fanola Nutri Care Restructuring Shampoo, 350 ml

2. Alterna Caviar Anti-Aging Restructuring Bond Repair Shampoo Mini, 1.35 Fl Oz

Things to Factor in When Considering Triple Wash Technique

Now we know in what ways the triple hair washing technique can benefit your hair. But should everyone adopt this? Absolutely not. How do you make out if you are a right candidate to incorporate triple hair washing into your hair care routine?  Here are the things to consider:

  • Your life(hair)style habits
  • The haircare products you use
  • The current condition of your hair/scalp

Knowing the above is also the first step in determining if triple hair washing is for you or not. 

So Who Should Do Triple Hair Wash?

If you are a product junkie that uses loads of products in your hair maintenance, you are a good candidate for this washing method. People who use dry shampoos, hair sprays, and hair mousses regularly can benefit from triple washing.

If you work out regularly or engage in any sort of activity that gets you sweating a lot, and you don’t wash your hair regularly, you could try the triple-washing hair technique.

If you have an oily scalp and still go for more than a week in between washes, you should consider triple washing.

Who Should Avoid It?

If you face severe issues with your hair or scalp you should stay away from triple hair wash. You need to seek professional treatment and not gamble with your health. Hair and scalp issues could also be a sign of an underlying health issue (2).

If you have a sensitive scalp you might want to consult a professional before you try this, or simply stick to double cleansing and give more time in between washes.

The same goes for extremely dry and damaged hair. Your hair can be more vulnerable to the chemicals in the shampoos which may aggravate the damage.

If you already wash your hair regularly with professional-grade products, you don’t need to triple-wash your hair. Good quality hair care products are usually efficient at deep cleansing and preventing buildup.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it good to wash your hair 3 times?

It might be good to wash your hair three times if you use a lot of hair styling products if you have an oily scalp or sweat a lot and if you don’t wash your hair at least twice a week.

How often should you triple-wash your hair?

Triple hair wash is not recommended more than once every week or two. If you have an oily scalp, you can triple wash once a week. For dry to the normal scalp: once every two weeks; you can also skip the third round entirely if you wash your hair fairly regularly.

Should I double or triple-wash my hair?

If you are someone who uses hair styling products sparingly, a double wash will suffice for you. If you use a lot of hair products; or have an oily scalp that is prone to buildup and wishes to have more time between washes, you can triple-wash your hair once in a while.

Should I triple-shampoo my hair?

You should triple-shampoo your hair once in a while if you use a lot of hair products. Or if your hair/scalp is prone to buildup and you go for more than a week without a hair wash. It is always best to consult your stylist for reliable advice.


Triple hair wash as an emerging trend is a reflection of our consciousness of the impact of our lifestyle and environment on our hair health. It also points to our growing dependence on commercial products for hair maintenance. 

Triple hair wash can be beneficial for some of us depending on the condition of our hair/scalp and our daily hair maintenance routine. Choosing the right products for your hair is crucial. Remember that triple hair wash is never the answer to all of your hair problems. Switch it up with other hair-washing rituals like co-wash or reverse hair washing. Let us know how it went if you tried it. What is your favorite hair-washing ritual? Let us know in the comments.

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A recluse in the larger world, and goofy around my coterie, I live more inside my head than outside. I enjoy my FWB with Writing, but am here to stay BFF with Reading.

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